Bird Watching
If you are coming for the birds, you’ve come to the right place. A location used by researchers and videographers of a wildlife documentary, birdwatchers from around the world have used Greenhoose as a base for their trips. Birds such as the Magnificent Riflebird, Eclectus Parrot, Green-backed Honeyeater, Northern Scrub-Robin and the renowned Palm Cockatoo are common sightings in the area and are Cape York specialties.
When it comes to bird watching in Australia, few places offer the diversity, beauty and adventure of Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park. Located 800km north of Cairns and covering an area of 346km2, Iron Range National Park surrounds Greenhoose, creating a unique living environment nestled amongst the rainforest. Guests seeking to find birds can often spot them from their verandah and down by the creek a short walk away.
Birdlife International has classified the Iron Range and neighbouring McIlwraith Range as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) for IBA criteria A1 (globally threatened species), A2 (restricted range species) and A3 (biome restricted species). There are many parallels between these tropical rainforests of Cape York and those of Papua New Guinea, most prominently highlighted by their similarities in bird species.
Greenhoose has had the pleasure of hosting a variety of guests fascinated by these captivating animals. From the crew of a Japanese wildlife documentary and university researchers to private and group birding tours that keep coming back, you can be sure you’re in for a treat.

Birds can always be seen and heard with bird watchers visiting throughout the year, so there’s a high chance you’ll get to experience something found nowhere else in Australia. If you’re seeking to find a specific bird species, it’s best to research their patterns and eBird is also a useful tool for recent sightings. Cape York experiences distinct weather seasons that are referred to as dry (May to November) and wet (December to April). Typically the wet season and just prior are good times to come and see the birds due to increased activity levels.
Birdlife Australia has created a full list of birds in the Iron Range area that you can find here.
See our gallery below for a glimpse into a few of the birds spotted here at Greenhoose, including the Northern Scrub Robin, White-throated Honeyeater, Tawny-breasted Honeyeater, Eclectus Parrot and Palm Cockatoo.